The Goals of Dark Romantic Club


  • Creating an inspiring and comfortable artistic environment


The Club originated from an idea of the literary salon that gathers regularly in the different locations. Due to the atmosphere of mutual respect and creative celebration, the Club meetings participants are inspired to create new works, continue ongoing projects, and share them with each other.


  • Creative development of the Club members

The inspiring environment encourages authors to create even more works. However, quality increase is more important to us than quantity increase. We aim for every new work created and shared within the Club to bring aesthetic pleasure to the audience. The prominent feature of the Club meetings is constructive criticism. It allows authors to take their mistakes into account and improve their works. Furthermore, the Club members help each other with various creative projects. They proofread works( stories, poems, songs etc.), create them in cooperation, translate them, take part in collective photo sessions, recommend each other classic art for inspiration and personal enrichment etc.

  • Widening the audience of the Club members and friends


The Club is interested in the works of the Club members being in demand. Usually authors wish to make their works known not only to the close circle of friends. Many creators want to become well-known. That is why we invite new people to our meetings, promote social media, print almanacs and participate in external events.


  • Revival and contemporary development of the Romantic art


We mean romanticism as an artistic and intellectual movement as opposed to realism. In our view, the following genres tend to be strongly influenced by the Romantic traditions: Gothicism and mysticism in art, fantasy, Symbolism, Decadent movement, Pre-Raphaelitism, expressionism, Aestheticism, magical realism and to some extent space opera, sci-fi, and horror. The Club supports revival of the Romantic art in its general sense, using classic methods on the modern level, popularization of Romanticism as a movement and finally the forthcoming of new Romantic era in world culture.


  • Growth of the role and influence of art in the world


We want art to be in demand. We don’t think that the artist must be starving. Furthermore, we want to make such interests as literature, music, visual and other creative arts to be globally respected and honored. Creativity should not only become fashionable: it should become society's lifestyle.